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Jakarta Selatan 12620


Tag Adilla Meytiara Intan

Karya Ilmiah: “The urgency of labor law for informal sector workers in the welfare state concept: Anevidence in IndonesiaKarya Ilmiah:” Oleh Dr. Adnan Hamid, S.H., M.H. MM., Adilla Meytiara Intan, S.H., LL.M.

ABSTRACTThis study aims to re-examine the issues that involve outreaching the urgency of labor law for informalsector workers in the concept of the welfare state in Indonesia. The research method used is anormative juridical approach or a study of documents…

Karya Ilmiah: “The Existence of Identity Value and Image Protection on Legal Frameworks of United States of America (US) and United Kingdom(UK)” Oleh: (1) Dr. Adnan Hamid, S.H., M.H., MM. (2) Adilla Meytiara Intan, S.H., LL.M.

ABSTRACT This research aims to examine the existence of identity value and image protection alongwith their commercialization by comparing legal frameworks between the United States ofAmerica (the US) and the United Kingdom (the UK). The applied methodology is socio-legalapproach: Primary…