Jl. Margasatwa No.39 RT.1/6 Kec. Jagakarsa
Jakarta Selatan 12620
Jl. Margasatwa No.39 RT.1/6 Kec. Jagakarsa
Jakarta Selatan 12620
This study aims to re-examine the issues that involve outreaching the urgency of labor law for informal
sector workers in the concept of the welfare state in Indonesia. The research method used is a
normative juridical approach or a study of documents or literature that only focuses on labor laws
currently in force in Indonesia. The qualitative method approach that is descriptive-analytic is used to
describe the relationship of a phenomenon, idea, data, or fact that is found objectively. This study found
that the rights, dignity, standard of living, and even the working environment of informal sector workers
are still neglected by labor law in Indonesia today. The national labor law has not accommodated legal
protection, guarantees, and social security, so there is a legal vacuum for informal sector workers.
This condition contradicts the philosophy of Pancasila and the constitution, the 1945 Constitution of
the Republic of Indonesia. Thus, efforts to develop labor laws are expected to be carried out by the
government together with the legislature to make all parties have the same position in the production
process for the achievement of the company’s progress. will have implications for national economic
growth. On the other hand, this effort is expected to create legal harmonization in the field of
employment in general and especially for informal sector workers in the welfare state in Indonesia.